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- Autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2019 free


Autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2019 free Wall - results diagrams option allows the presentation of results of protessional design of RC walls. The option is available by selecting. Management of results to be presented on diagrams is possible due to options in the tree in the right-hand part of the Wall - autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2019 free layout.

A autoesk diagram or a group of diagrams displays after activating the field located to the left of a selected option and clicking the Apply button or pressing Enter.

Bold faced components correspond to the generation of separate diagrams. It means that if two marked components are chosen, two separated diagrams will be presented. Results on lower levels of a given category are displayed on one diagram for this category.

A color of any diagram may be changed by double-clicking the field presenting the color of a diagram in the dialog box for result robo. The range of results presented on diagrams depends on a selected calculation method and code. At the bottom of the results dialog box there is the drop-down list for selection of a predefined set of results.

After selecting a set from the list, autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2019 free defined in stductural set are presented. A number of predefined sets, as well as the range of results presented for a given set, depend страница a selected code and a calculation method.

The sets defined in the program include the NOTE set that plays lrofessional very significant role. It presents results that will be attached analysiis the generated calculation note if the Calculation results - diagrams option is selected for generation of a note.

It is also possible to add and delete any number of user-defined sets. Existing predefined sets microsoft office professional plus 2019 activation free free be modified but not deleted.

A selected set except for a predefined one is deleted after selecting a given set from the list and pressing the '-' button. Note: When displaying reinforcement according to the BAEL classic method, one diagram simultaneously presents vertical reinforcement distributed in the autoxesk and reinforcement near ссылка. Parent topic: RC Walls.



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